dropWith spring just around the corner, everyone’s talking about detox. A plethora of detox options abound, extolling the benefits of protocols that range from simple diet clean-up with organic foods and multi-vitamin regimens, to organ-specific, parasite and heavy-metal cleanses.  A program typically involves abstaining from gluten, sugar, dairy, caffeine and processed foods, while increasing intake of detox-specific and alkalizing foods, such as greens, beets, sea vegetables, lemons and cucumbers, as well as healthy fats and herbal teas.

Detoxification simply means removing impurities from the body. We continuously expel impurities through the elimination pathways, liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, lymph and skin. However, as daily modern living exposes us to more environmental toxins than ever before, the body’s ability to effectively neutralize and expel this toxin load is impaired, adversely affecting every cell in the body and contributing to symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, sleep issues, edema, headaches, weight gain, skin issues, mental fog, allergies and frequent colds and flu.

While nutrition-based and organ-specific detox regimens refuel the body with healthy nutrients and stimulate the body’s natural cleansing process, they do not facilitate complete release of deeply- harbored cellular toxins, or provide drainage assistance for toxins that have been released from the cell.   This is a problem because toxins then congest the extracellular matrix (ECM), the area between cells that regulates cell communication, which can result in a “healing crisis” with flu-like symptoms. Traditional detoxes also do not address the interdependency of organ systems, as the optimal functionality of one depends on the other.  For instance, the brain-spine-ECM connection plays a crucial role in total body communication and directly supports the digestive, renal and lymphatic systems, the main systems involved in detoxification and drainage. So to detox any organ within these systems, the brain should also be supported, as it is responsible for sending the message to the other organs to detox.

Homeopathy is the key to addressing these organ interrelationships and completely expelling deeply-harbored toxins. Known for its ability to stimulate the body’s innate healing ability, and used empirically for more than 200 years, homeopathy is based on the principle that “like cures like”: A substance that causes a specific symptom in large doses will stimulate the body to alleviate those same symptoms, when given in minute doses. Homeopathy provides elements called sarcodes, which provide a blueprint for healthy tissue to improve organ function; nosodes, which stimulate the immune system to target specific toxins; and drainage and tonification elements to assist in exit through the elimination pathways.

Whole-body, homeopathic support ensures greater comfort during the detox process, program compliance and completion, and, ultimately weight loss. Toxins, typically stored in fat cells, contribute to an inflammatory response leading to weight gain. Many toxins, like BPA, are also endocrine disrupters that increase estrogen and insulin levels, leading to increased fat storage and poor utilization of fat reserves. HFCS alters normal insulin response and increases the amount of carbohydrates being synthesized into fat.  As these toxins are released and cells return to normal function, the body is able to properly metabolize fat.

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