By:  Cilla Whatcott, HD RHom, CCH

As a parent and as a healer, I take very seriously my commitment to “do no harm.” I always try to choose the path of least risk.

Every decision we make for our children has consequences. The choice regarding whether or not to vaccinate can be a complex and difficult one for parents. The CDC has told us that “adverse events have been reported after administration of all vaccines.” [2] Thus vaccines do carry “unavoidable risks.” My own path has led me through initially vaccinating my children, experiencing a vaccine injury with Lily, and then investigating an alternative called homeoprophylaxis.

Homeoprophylaxis has been utilized for over 200 years for epidemics as well as endemic contagious disease. The application as an alternative to the recommended immunization schedule has been clinically studied since 1985 by Dr. Isaac Golden, PhD of Australia.  It’s a concept met with skepticism by some conventional medical practitioners due to lack of understanding.  Dr. Golden is a pioneer with his emerging evidence of effectiveness, ease, and safety of the method. His work stands as the keystone to future applications of homeoprophylaxis for infectious childhood diseases. [3]

Homeoprophylaxis is the use of diluted and potentized disease products, called “nosodes,” to elicit an immune response.   While the original intent of vaccines was similarly to provide a weakened dose of the original disease, the most obvious difference today is the purity of homeopathic nosodes compared to conventional vaccines. Homeopathic nosodes contain no additives whatsoever. No antibiotics, no preservatives, no detergents no foreign DNA, or unknown viruses are present. The intent of homeoprophylaxis is to educate the immune system in a way that has been clinically shown to reduce the incidence of both infectious as well as chronic disease.

Dr. Golden’s work found improved long term health outcomes of using homeoprophylaxis for children instead of conventional vaccination. It seems that allowing exposure to the natural disease in energetic form carries this benefit without any of the risks.   Dr. Golden explains, “I would suggest that HP remedies stimulate the energetic immune response and this must lead to a maturing of the response in an analogous way that infection with simple diseases can help to mature the physical immune response.” [4]

I’ve gone on to use homeoprophylaxis with my own children and countless other children whose parents are looking for a safe alternative. I’ve met with Dr Golden and others who have successfully applied homeoprophylaxis for epidemics in Australia, Cuba, S. America, India and other nations. In October 2015 Dr Golden along with others from around the world will be gathering to present their findings at a conference called “Homeoprophylaxis: A Worldwide Choice for Disease Protection.” [5]

It’s empowering to know that there are choices and ways to keep our children safe that are natural and non-toxic.

My greatest hope is that you will research homeoprophylaxis as a valid approach to keeping your children safe. Serious study will reveal its overwhelming usefulness.


[1] Beer MH, Porter RS, Jones TV (2006 18th Edition). The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated.

[2] CDC. Update: vaccine side effects, adverse reactions, contraindications, and precautions: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR 1996;45(No. RR-12).

[3] Golden, Isaac (2012). The Complete Practitioner’s Manual of Homeoprophylaxis. Victoria, Australia.

[4] Golden, Isaac (2012). The Complete Practitioner’s Manual of Homeoprophylaxis. Victoria, Australia. p 93.

[5] See:

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